Rely On Strictly Typed Schemas
By default, all stream records have flat properties. This makes them easy to access in any log collection rule. Also, it allows to map record fields directly to easily accessible database columns.
For example, an request_http stream record could look like this:
requestHttpRecord = {
// all fields from baseStreamRecord
"stream": "request_http",
"version": "v1",
"observed_time": "20250114T162059Z",
"trace_id": "123",
"span_id": "123",
"module": "openid" | "saml" | "cache",
"instance_id": "1234567890123",
"org_id": "1234567890123",
"user_id": "1234567890123",
// all fields from requestBaseRecord
"request_is_system_user": false,
"request_is_authenticated": true,
"request_duration": "50ms",
"request_http_protocol": "",
"request_http_host": "",
"request_http_port": "",
"request_http_path": "",
"request_http_method": "",
"request_http_status": 200,
"request_http_referer": "",
"request_http_user_agent": "",
"request_http_remote_ip": "",
"request_http_bytes_received": 1000,
"request_http_bytes_sent": 1000,
Schema Evolution
The log records schemas are defined in Protobuf, so that strict types and structures can be guaranteed. If a streams schema is changed in a backward incompatible way, its version is bumped. The Zitadel runtime configuration allows to pin the written streams versions. This allows downstream tools to update their code before new stream versions are produced.
Base Stream Record
The following baseStreamRecord shows which fields are potentially set in all stream records. The properties "stream" and "version" define what additional fields are potentially available in the record. Possible values for "stream":
- request_grpc
- request_http
- runtime_log
- runtime_error
- runtime_service
- action_targetcall
- action_trigger_grpc_request
- action_trigger_grpc_response
- action_trigger_event
- action_trigger_function
- event
- notification
TODO: ⚠️ Split the reference.js into many files and map them to the following linkable sections 🚧
baseStreamRecord = {
"stream": "request_http",
"version": "v1",
"observed_time": "20250114T162059Z", // ISO 8601 Timestamp
// stream records that belong together can be joined using their trace_id
// for example when debugging an API request, all request scoped stream records can be filtered by a trace_id.
"trace_id": "123",
// span_id is especially handy for debugging request latencies.
"span_id": "123",
"module": "openid" | "saml" | "cache", // The part of the program that produced the record
"instance_id": "1234567890123", // If available
"org_id": "1234567890123", // If available
"user_id": "1234567890123", // If available
// additional static properties if configured that should be present in all records.
// for example
// - "region": "US1",
// - "runtime_service_version": "v2.67.2" // so it is not only available in a single runtime_service record but in all records
// The "runtime" stream contains normal log records that are written all over the Zitadel code.
// These fields are present in streams that have the runtime_ prefix
runtimeBaseStreamRecord = {
...baseStreamRecord, // all fields from baseStreamRecord
"runtime_severity": "info",
"runtime_message": "user created",
// runtime_attributes_* contains additional information passed in the log record
// these properties have no guaranteed schema.
"runtime_attributes_userid": "1234567890123",
// if stream is runtime_log
runtimeLogRecord = {
...runtimeBaseStreamRecord, // all fields from runtimeBaseStreamRecord
// no additional properties
// if stream is runtime_error
runtimeErrorRecord = {
...runtimeBaseStreamRecord, // all fields from runtimeBaseStreamRecord
"runtime_error_cause": "user not found by email no rows in result set",
"runtime_error_stack": "line1\nline2\nline3",
"runtime_error_i18n_key": "Errors.User.NotFound", // If error is of type ZitadelError
"runtime_error_type": "InternalError", // If error is of type ZitadelError
// if stream is runtime_service
// A record is only written once in a runtime lifecycle
runtimeServiceRecord = {
...runtimeBaseStreamRecord, // all fields from runtimeBaseStreamRecord
"runtime_service_name": "zitadel",
"runtime_service_version": "v2.67.2",
"runtime_service_process": "sdsf321ew6f5", // For example Pod ID
// These fields are present in streams that have the request_ prefix
requestBaseRecord = {
...baseStreamRecord, // all fields from baseStreamRecord
"request_is_system_user": false,
"request_is_authenticated": true,
"request_duration": "50ms",
// if stream is request_http
requestHttpRecord = {
...requestBaseRecord, // all fields from requestBaseRecord
"request_http_protocol": "",
"request_http_host": "",
"request_http_port": "",
"request_http_path": "",
"request_http_method": "",
"request_http_status": 200,
"request_http_referer": "",
"request_http_user_agent": "",
"request_http_remote_ip": "",
"request_http_bytes_received": 1000,
"request_http_bytes_sent": 1000,
// if stream is request_grpc
requestGrpcRecord = {
...requestBaseRecord, // all fields from requestBaseRecord
"request_grpc_service": "",
"request_grpc_method": "",
"request_grpc_code": "",
// These fields are present in streams that have the action_ prefix
actionTargetCallRecord = {
"action_target_id": "",
"action_name": "",
"action_protocol": "",
"action_host": "",
"action_port": "",
"action_path": "",
"action_method": "",
"action_status": 200,
// if stream is action_trigger_event
actionTriggerEventRecord = {
"action_trigger_event_id": "",
// if stream is action_trigger_function
actionTriggerFunctionRecord = {
"action_trigger_function_name": "",
// These fields are present in streams that have the action_trigger_grpc_ prefix
actionTriggerGrpcBaseRecord = {
"action_trigger_grpc_service": "",
"action_trigger_grpc_method": "",
// if stream is action_trigger_grpc_request
actionTriggerGrpcRequestRecord = {
...actionTriggerGrpcBaseRecord, // all fields from actionTriggerGrpcBaseRecord
// (no additional properties)
// if stream is action_trigger_grpc_response
actionTriggerGrpcResponseRecord = {
...actionTriggerGrpcBaseRecord, // all fields from actionTriggerGrpcBaseRecord
"action_trigger_grpc_response_code": 200,
// if stream is event
eventRecord = {
"event_id": "",
"event_sequence": "",
"event_position": "",
"event_type": "",
"event_data": {}, // dynamically typed
"event_editor_user": "",
"event_version": "",
"event_aggregate_id": "",
"event_aggregate_type": "",
"event_resource_owner": "",
// These fields are present in streams that have the notification_ prefix
notificationBaseRecord = {
"notification_messagetype": "",
"notification_triggering_event_id": "",
notificationEmailRecord = {
...notificationBaseRecord, // all fields from notificationBaseRecord
"notification_email_smtpprovider_id": "",
"notification_email_receipient": "",
notificationSMSRecord = {
...notificationBaseRecord, // all fields from notificationBaseRecord
"notification_sms_phonenumber": "",
notificationWebhookRecord = {
...notificationBaseRecord, // all fields from notificationBaseRecord
"notification_webhook_url": "",